dijous, 4 de juny del 2009

When Love Takes Over

Arriba l'estiu,
el solet ens escalfa,
i hi ha cançons que t'enganxen i que no pots deixar de canturrejar, a que sí?
Doncs donat que el cap de setmana passat he viscut moments inoblidables plens d'Amor, i ja que a la meva vida , per sort, l'amor m'acompanya, us poso una de les cançons que ara per ara, em donen bon rotllet...

aviam si us anima i us fa seguir el ritme amb un somriure.
M'encanta el ritme del piano .... ai! Quan l'amor t'atrapa...

Cliqueu aquí David Guetta Featurig Kelly Rowland, "When Love Takes Over"

Us poso la lletra:

Its complicated, it always is
That’s just the way it goes
Feels like the way it is so long for this
I wonder if it shows
And under water now i can breath
It never felt so good
Cause i can feel it coming over me
I wouldn’t stop it if i could

When love takes over yeaaah
You know you can’t deny
When love takes over yeaaah‘
Cause something’s here tonight

Give me a reason I gotta know
Do you feel it too?
Cant you see me here on overload
And this time I blame you
Hmm looking out for you to hold my hand
It feels like I could fall
Now love me right, like I know you can
We could lose it all

When love takes over yeaaah
You know you can’t deny
When love takes over yeaaah
Cause something’s here tonight

(tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight ....)

I'll be loving all the time, it's true
Cause I want to make it right with you

When love takes over, when love takes over
When love takes over, when love takes over ...
Over, over, over ....

When love takes over yeaaah
You know you can’t deny
When love takes over yeaaah‘
Cause something’s here tonight

Ha estat una debilitat, ho reconec, es musiqueta discotequera, però no em negareu que té un ritme bestial i us fa sentir positius ( em recorda anys enrera , a les discos ballant com una boja a la pista de ball...) aish... no vull deixar de sentir-me jove!!! jajaja

Petons per a tots / es